Research Essay

When you think of the golden age what time period do you think of? Renaissance well we will be talking about a debatable period of time when Muslim, Jewish, and Christian people lived in peace in Spain. Debatable due to the fact that there were restrictions when Muslims ruled over Spain. Overall though mainly everyone followed rules which led to a new age of time.This is a very interesting and hidden period of time because of the fact that in school we are not taught about this part of history like many other important time periods.

The time period of when Muslim people ruled spain was 711-1492 and in this time period is when 3 different religions lived together in what is described to be almost unity. They lived together and even with restrictions on Jewish and Christians they lived in peace and even created an atmosphere where they benefited off each other and allowed public baths, libraries, poetry and architecture to develop. Restrictions were mentioned and this included rules like even though you did not have to convert if you were not Muslim you could not practice your religion outside your house this included carrying a Bible outside. Had to acknowledge Islam was the superior religon, had to wear a badge, a non muslim man could not marry a muslim girl but a muslim man could marry a non muslim girl, and christians and jewish people were not allowed to carry weapons. So even though there was peace there were a large number of rules that restricted basic rights.

At the start of the rule control was already a clear issue, governors that were appointed only lasted two years maximum because they were sabotaged by local rulers. Abd al-Rahman attacked a governor conquering land and making Cordoba one of his capitals. The rule did not last because of different beliefs and laws and how things should be run so a lot of fighting occurred and this is when christians took advantage and ended the Muslim reign.Due to too many people in control and a struggle for power and Spain was conquered in 1492.

In conclusion at first the golden age is perceived as a peaceful and glorious time period if you start reading into it. Even the process of power and the process of power from Muslim rule tp Christian rule is very strategized and unpleasent in a way. Yes 3 different religions did live in the same space but they got along because they were forced to. It makes sense though why people would only focus on the good that developed from the time period though.

Work Cited Page:

  1. Deciphering the Truth Behind the Moors in Spain
  2. Muslim Spain
  3. Umayyad Conquest of Hispania
  1. Forced Conversions of Muslims in Spain

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